Who we are:

Janet Eldred (Co-ordinator)
I have many years’ experience as a pastoral carer and a considerable amount of chaplaincy training. I’m the voluntary chaplain at Colton’s Hospital (our cottages for older women). I also have research and practical experience in the areas of older age, dementia, and death/funerals. Although I live outside York, I’m a frequent user of buses into the city and am happy to meet there.

Jen Atkinson
I have experience of supporting elderly friends and family over many years. As a Senior Sister specialising in Midwifery and Neonatal Care, I frequently supported parents and families of premature and sick babies. This included Bereavement support, and supporting colleagues when they were struggling during difficult times. Over the years, I gained general counselling qualifications, Cruse Bereavement training, and training in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a volunteer with Humberside Disaster Response Counselling Team. After forty years working in the health service, I know how worrying it can be to receive news of illness and the help it can be to talk to someone who has the time to listen and understand. Distance from York cuts down what I can realistically offer, but I am happy to talk on the phone, converse by email, and by post. Visits could be possible (on Sunday when in York).

Dee Boyle
I have had experience of visiting and taking care of family members, elderly neighbours and friends over the years, accompanying them to hospital appointments, sitting and chatting to them and helping them at home with various jobs that they could no longer manage. I have also helped with setting up ‘care’ packages for some people and worked with Age Concern to ensure that the people got the best care package to suit their individual needs. Although I don’t drive, I can usually manage to get to most places within York via buses or taxis. I am happy to help in any way I can.
Peter Exley
My main experience comes from working for 18 years with a cancer charity as a complementary therapist, counsellor and healer. I take a client-centred and holistic approach to people’s challenges.

Joan Sinanan
I have had a wide variety of experiences, and can bring to Pastoral Care an open heart to help those of us who need someone to assist them in resolving personal problems, and if professional expertise is needed, then facilitating that help. I can also be of practical assistance, living locally, and with transport. My professional background is Nursing, the most recent having been with Marie Curie. Following that, I ran some AgeUK Clubs.

Richard Thompson
As a retired Psychiatric Nurse Specialist in Forensics I am used to working in a Team Nursing environment where we each get allocated a client/patient. It’s a different situation in the chapel where it might be more appropriate for a friend (from the Pastoral Team) to support a member they know well. I can offer confidential counselling support. I have a car in which I can help take somebody shopping or to appointments etc. I have worked at St Leonard’s Hospice way back and am quite comfortable being with and supporting a person who is terminally ill.