This list of helplines, local support services and charities may be useful, although it is by no means comprehensive. If you need help in approaching any organisation, any member of the pastoral care team will be happy to respond.

Please note that the pastoral care team is unable to comment on or take responsibility for standards of care in these services. We are interested to have any feedback or any suggestions for additional services not listed that may be of help to members.

Social Services

For help with any social care issue:
Adult Social Care Community Team: 01904 555111
Adult Social Care Emergency Duty Team: 0300 131 2 131

Local charities/Advice Lines

The Samaritans: 0330 094 5717 – a confidential listening service to provide support in a severe emotional crisis

York MIND: 01904 643364 – a range of mental health services including counselling and support, advocacy, social activities and peer group support

Mainstay York: 07823 322993 – individual or group support offering a package of care for a broad range of mental health concerns and including mentoring and social activities

Older Citizens Advocacy: 01904 676200 – support and action for older people encountering a range of practical difficulties

Age UK: an advice line on 0800 678 1602 and a local service on 01904 411282 providing information and advice, befriending, home visits, day clubs and after-hospital support

Citizens Advice: an advice line on 0808 278 7895 for help with finance and debt, welfare benefits, housing, legal issues. 0800 144 8444 is a helpline for claiming Universal Credit

York Carers: 01904 715490 – a central point for unpaid carers of all ages, providing support, information advice and activities

Women’s Counselling Service: 01904 652706 – run by women for women

The Wilberforce Trust: 01904 760037 – support for people with visual and hearing impairment, providing sensory impairment assessments, sight registration, rehabilitation support, supported housing/living

Refugee Action: 07545 060694 – for refugees and asylum seekers, offering support and campaigning for a fairer asylum system

Home Start: 01904 674764 – practical and emotional support for young parents finding it difficult to cope

Victim Support: 08 08 1689111 – support for those traumatised by a criminal incident

MacMillan Cancer Support: There is a helpline on 0808 808 00 00. Individual and/or group support helping people through their cancer experience.

Dementia UK: 020 8036 5400 provides a general advice line. There are several care homes in York offering residential, respite and dementia care, among them: Avery Health Care, Amarna House 01904 798509; Ebor Court 01904 782708.

York and Selby Dementia Information Service, provided by the Alzheimer’s Society: 01904 929444. Information and advice.

Versus Arthritis: helpline on 0800 5200 520

Arthritis Research UK: 01904 541304